Alston Green, CGRD Illustration ’72
Alston Green has enjoyed an extensive and exemplary career within the textile, home décor, and gifts and social expression industries. His passion and love for creating beautiful, functional products have prevailed throughout his career. Alston spent many years on Seventh Avenue, New York’s’ renowned epicenter of fashion, creating surface designs for children, women, men and home décor, as well as original patterns and textiles. Over time, he adapted his skills and talents when the greeting card industry came knocking. Alston developed and managed design exclusively for the Mahogany card and gift line, and worked on an assortment of products at Hallmark Cards Inc. in Kansas City Missouri – the world’s leading greeting card company. During his tenure at Hallmark, Alston had the opportunity to expand and redefine Hallmark’s ethnic products programs. In addition, he developed an array of products across the Hallmark brand. Alston’s bold, signature designs allowed him to soar to the top of his field, reshaping, redefining and reinvigorating the personal and social expression industry with products for the African American audience. This program radically changed how this underserved target market celebrates life’s occasions. Alston’s name was passed along to another social expression company on the west coast by way of design product brokers in China, who became aware of his work.

CREDIT Arash Fewzee, MFA Photo ’17
Various greetings cards created for the Mahogany Collection
Alston Green
CGRD Illustration ’72